My Romania

When Simona came to visit us, she was delighted with the beauties of Macedonia. All places, known and unknown, cities and villages made her stay as long as possible 🙂 All sunrises and sunsets, all waters and mountains has extended…
When Simona came to visit us, she was delighted with the beauties of Macedonia. All places, known and unknown, cities and villages made her stay as long as possible 🙂 All sunrises and sunsets, all waters and mountains has extended…
Jenn just prove one of the reasons why i am so much into postcards. The postcards we are sharing has travelled all that unimaginable way. And that is simply amazing. We could never travel like that. And they are prove…
Wei Chin is my few-time-swapper-friend which i love receiving postcards from and i love to read her love for Taiwan, her passion for her homeland. And i love her writing and the way she always writes some of the words…
Well, its hard when the sender is not signed, so I can share appropriately their feelings, in this case from his/her trip in Tikal. Its says that they celebrated last New year`s eve there, which is 2013 🙂 I think…
When i read, how people are writing so passionate about their home cities i immediately want to visit them. You can feel the love, the welcomeness and the words they are honestly writing. This time i will skip “Additional info”…
Here is a sight of Budapest i believe, most of you haven’t seen. Or at least those that have visited only touristic sites of the city. I believe every city has its own hidden inner beauty, but we have to…
Marcel, Gdansk I know i have mentioned many times that i love Poland, especially Gdansk. And not only the city, the people that i met there, those that made me better person, the people who believed in me…well this is…
If you need a place where the time passes slow but the reindeer in front of you passes fast, then definitely Nattavaara should be your holiday destination, far away from civilisation but closer to Santa Clause. Sound attractive right? I…
Lana is a dear friend which became my postcard pal during the years of exchanging postcards. We exchanged postcards several times and shared stories, which always helps you to get to know closely the person and feel like is your…