When I was young, I used to buy postcards,
from the places I have visited,
however, I became an active collector
after I returned from Poland in 2010.
I lived there with a roommate from Germany, Kate,
who does not use any kind of the social networks,
so we keep in touch (to this day)
through letters and postcards.
From the very beginning of the received postcards
I admired the story.
It’s quite different from the ones I bought.
They had no soul, but they get their soul after I sent them,
so is the same with those I received, they have their own souls,
their own story, they own part of someone’s life,
forever sealed and saved in my albums and boxes.
And now here in this site. My Site.
No matter how much we oppose technology,
yet it will allow me to immortalize my postcards,
to share stories, to teach others about those amazing things
that helped me to see the world with wide open eyes.