Themed Postcards

The postcards are sorted by theme, actually what is shown in the picture itself.
This is my way of feeling the postcards and how I sort them at home in the boxes and folders and this way is easier for me to search them. And this way helped me to find my favorite themed postcards.

Autumn`s Splendor

Jenn just prove one of the reasons why i am so much into postcards. The postcards we are sharing has travelled all that unimaginable way. And that is simply amazing. We could never travel like that. And they are prove…

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Golden Minsk

When i read, how people are writing so passionate about their home cities i immediately want to visit them. You can feel the love, the welcomeness and the words they are honestly writing. This time i will skip “Additional info”…

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Spruce Forest

If you need a place where the time passes slow but the reindeer in front of you passes fast, then definitely Nattavaara should be your holiday destination, far away from civilisation but closer to Santa Clause. Sound attractive right? I…

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Little Christmas Angel

Merry Christmas !!! ❤❤❤Again 😅Well we are having our orthodox Christmas now, so is again time for celebrating and eating and drinking, time for family, time for home.This lovely postcard sent by Kate, it fits perfectly for the day. She…

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