Marcel, Gdansk
I know i have mentioned many times that i love Poland, especially Gdansk. And not only the city, the people that i met there, those that made me better person, the people who believed in me…well this is a prove why is that. Marcel is a participant in Foundation “Sprawni Inaczej” in Gdansk, the place where i have been working as a volunteer as well. The place that taught me to make greetings cards, place where i worked with Marcel and his friends together, so you may see the recembleses, or more, the love that are made with. Marcel knows that i like handmade cards and that i love postcards as well, but when he learned that i have a blog, he was happy to support the idea and share with me and you his work of cards collection during the last 17 years 😮 That is a very long time, full of very beautiful cards made by himself and his friends from the Foundation.
I am more than happy to show you his art of postcards and i believe you will enjoy as well.
In addition i will copy you his letter that he wrote for the blog, so you will learn more about his dedication of this miraculous collection.
I just hope we will see more of his cards in the future 🤗❤
*English below
“Zbiór okolicznościowych ręcznie wykonanych, pocztówek, które kolekcjonowałem od 17 lat zawiera 1000 niepowtarzalnych egzemplarzy. Mieszczą się one w dwóch pokaźnych albumach. Znajdują się w nich kartki wykonane w różnych technikach przez moich niepełnosprawnych przyjaciół z różnych pracowni prowadzonych przez Fundację „Sprawni Inaczej” (Gdańsk, Polska). Kupowałem je albo dostawałem podczas dni otwartych i na okolicznościowych kiermaszach, najczęściej przed Bożym Narodzeniem i przed Wielkanocą. Wtedy przychodziło dużo ludzi, rodzice, znajomi i przypadkowi przechodnie, podziwiali i kupowali kartki, w które swój wkład pracy i pomysły włożyli moi wspaniali i weseli koledzy.
W tym zbiorze są kartki z kolorowymi motylami i kwiatami, wielkanocnymi pisankami, barankami, kogutami,zającami i słoniami, są też kartki z suszonymi liściami i kwiatami. Jest Boże Narodzenie z aniłkami, gwiazdkami, bombkami, reniferami, bałwankami, Mikołajami i rozmaitymi choinkami; są też kartki walentynkowe i z pozdrowieniami z Gdańska.
Żaden wzór się nie powtarza. Tak pięknie wykonanych rękoma niepełnosprawnych cudów nie zobaczycie nigdzie na świecie.
Chcę pokazać chociaż część mojej kolekcji, żebyście oglądając je docenili ludzi, którzy przez cały rok tworzą najpiękniejsze rzeczy, sami własnym wysiłkiem z pomocą opiekunów i wolontariuszy.
“My collection of occasional hand-made postcards, which I have been collecting it for 17 years, includes 1000 unique cards. It fits into two large albums. They contain cards made in various techniques by my friends with disabilities from different workshops run by the Foundation “Sprawni Inaczej” (Gdańsk, Poland). I was buying those postcards or I got it during open days and special fairs, usually before Christmas and Easter. At that time a lot of people were coming: parents, friends and random passers-by admired and bought cards in which my wonderful and cheerful colleagues put their work and ideas.
This collection includes cards with colorful butterflies and flowers, Easter eggs, lambs, roosters, hares and elephants. There are also cards with dried leaves and flowers. There are Christmas cards with balls, stars, baubles, reindeer, snowmen, Santa Clauses and various Christmas trees; there are also Valentine’s Day cards and postcards with greetings from Gdańsk.
No pattern repeats itself. You will not see miracles so beautifully made by the hands of disabled people anywhere in the world but here.
I want to show at least a part of my collection, so that while watching them you will appreciate the people who create the most beautiful things all year round, with their own efforts – with the help of caregivers and volunteers.
Fantastic article ! You havemade some very astute statements and I appreciate the the effort you have put into your writing. Its clear that you know what you are writing about. I am excited to read more of your sites content.