Santiago De Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, in northwestern Spain. Robert has written in Spanish, some of which i understand but the rest i have to search it.
The city Santiago De Compostela is built around the beautiful Cathedral Sandiago De Compostela, dedicated to the apostol Santiago. Its situated in the main city center, surrounded with few squares and each one has a different purpose, architecture and feel – Obradoiro Square, Platerías square, Quintana Square and square de la Azabachería. Although there are many other famous squares around the city which i motivate you to explore. Each of them has a different hidden history which will amaze you.
Additional info – On the postcards is shown the square Azabacheria – is the first square encountered by the traveler entering Santiago by the French Road. It was known as the Puerta del Paraíso, but was replaced by the present neo-classical style square in the XVIII century. The Plaza de la Azabachería used to be home to the market where Pilgrims were able to buy all kinds of items and exchange their foreign currency at the Guild of Money Exchangers