We all have a place, where we feel like home, like we are belonging there. Is not our home place, but the place where we found ourselves, wandering around the world and from the very first step, we knew that, that would be our second home. For me is Gdansk in Poland, but for Dana is Germany. She have worked there on a project and i know the feeling when the project finishes and you have to return to our actual home. Its a straggling mixture between nostalgia for the family you haven’t seen for a long time and the place where you found happy yourself. Its tough, really.
This is not an actual postcard, but the entrance ticket from the show of an artist Gregor Eisenmann, who is a painter ( i started to love his art work). He held an exhibition in Dana`s favorite place in Wuppertal, where he held audiovisual art performance. But the hard paper and the usual postcard-size, reminded Dana of me and i am happy that i have it 🤗