
If we can see the animals as a national treasure, as part of each culture, we would respect them more. It is a pity that nowadays most of them become an endangered species and unfortunately that does not affect us.
Still, it’s nice that someone came up with the idea to put them on a postcard so that we can enjoy seeing them with a different eye.

Cow by mail

If you don’t know how to show your love to your close ones, just send them a cow. Preferably by post. Nowadays that is very easy, believe me. I loved it, but I can just say that is a postcard…

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This different postcard from Venice came along with birthday greetings. When i say different i mean, channel-wise. We all know Venice with all the channels and gondolas that is surrounded, but is nice to see that there can be found…

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The Owl of Indigo

When your passion of indigo, owl, moon and night are matched in a postcard that makes it perfect, for sure you sharing that with people that will truly and deeply understand you. Anne is amazed by all this collection of…

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Cat on The Wood

Yes yes yes. This postcard is wooden . And of course is one of my favorites 🤗Of course the postcards can be made of wood, plastics or metal. And all of them are unique and beautiful.Marie just returned from her…

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Namche Bazaar, Nepal

Neil originally is from Mumbai, India, but he often travels to Nepal, thanks to his job and he started to love this country, the history and the culture. Additional info – in the picture are bison’s (yaks) that serves food…

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